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In this “Features in 5” post, we take a look at incident reporting and management as part of Origami Risk’s Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) solution suite.

Origami’s EHS Incident Management functionality is available via web, mobile, and tablet, and is accessible anytime, anywhere, by anyone. Origami EHS users can choose from eight standard incident types to log, including employee injury, near misses and environmental spills. This means that you can be more effective in ensuring workplace safety — with all of your reporting in near real-time and your data in a central location. Because you no longer have to rely on paper and Excel, or log into multiple systems, your team can increase efficiency and complete more work. By empowering all of your employees to report on incidents, you can promote a sustainable safety culture throughout the organisation and in collaboration with Human Resources (HR).

IIn addition to having standard incidents available out-of-the-box, Origami is highly configurable — meaning you or one of our seasoned service team members can modify, add, or delete fields to better meet the unique needs of your organisation.

Origami’s Investigation module enables you to go beyond reporting to actually examine the root cause of issues. Through the use of automated tools, such as “5 Why’s” and “Fishbone Analysis,” you can identify and eliminate root causes, so that incidents and injuries can be prevented moving forward.

Ultimately, Origami’s Incident Management module can help you drive visibility of  the safety risks and hazards facing your organisation. With more efficient reporting, you can better focus work to reduce those risks, giving  you safer, happier, and more productive employees.

Watch the videos below for a glimpse of how easy it is to report and investigate safety incidents using our EHS Incident Management functionality.

Incident Reporting

Incident Investigation