RMIS, ERM, and EHS solutions

Streamline risk, insurance, and safety processes

Manage and mitigate risks to students, faculty, staff, and contractors, as well as those with the potential to cause damage to assets and reputation. A single-platform delivery of RMIS, Safety, Business Continuity Management (BCM), and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) functionality make Origami Risk an ideal—and proven—technology solution for school districts, colleges and universities, and educational institution risk pools.

Maintain operations during emergencies and crisis events

Create an effective, scalable process for developing and testing business continuity plans. Manage assignments, monitor progress, and dynamically update plans as new information is entered. Rank processes by criticality, impact, and time-to-recover. Conduct testing exercises to assess readiness and ensure plans are executed upon triggering events.

  • Establish controls and tests
  • Automate workflows
  • Publish to word or PDF
People meeting

Promote a culture of safety

Transform your approach to incident reporting and the investigation of issues. Find the root-cause of adverse events, then develop corrective actions, action plans, policies, and procedures to make schools or campuses safer places to learn and work.

  • Safety and reporting dashboards
  • Mobile data and intake entry
  • Investigations and root cause analysis (RCA)
woman on laptop

Take control of claims management

Digitize claims administration from end-to-end with a suite of solutions that increase efficiency, improve visibility, and contribute to improved outcomes. Origami Risk gives you the ability to automate repetitive tasks, leverage integrated benchmarking and analytics to identify potential high-cost claims, and configure dashboards that inform decisions and drive action.

  • Document management and workflow automation
  • Third-party system integrations
  • Workers’ Comp regulatory compliance tools
Students walking down hall

Consolidate risk, property, insurance and more in one system

Manage all of your risk, safety, and insurance needs in one place through Origami. With the ability to integrate disparate external, internal, or third-party data sources, gain the ability to configure location structures and increase tracking values of property and assets, management of insurance coverage, and more.

  • Create, distribute and automate reports
  • Centralize and simplify property, exposures and assets
  • Gain broad oversight and control into BCM and ERM
man checking his phone

University of the Pacific

Our service rep is guiding us through the implementation phase and has been a wonderful collaborator. He is responsive and I appreciate the time and effort he has invested to learn and understand our business needs. As a result he always has great ideas to incorporate Origami into our system functions so we achieve the best outcome.


Louisa Jones
Risk and Insurance Manager

Enterprise Risk Management

Manage ERM risks and opportunities across the enterprise.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

Manage GRC programs with a single platform  


Risk Management Information System (RMIS)

A 360° view of risk, safety, and insurance 

Related resources

Solution Sheet

Integrated Platform Brochure

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Industry Reports

Executive Summary: 2021 RMIS Report

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Solution Sheet

Origami Risk for Manufacturing

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